Most of us go through life knowing very little about our body and its true potential. We often measure our health based on how we feel. It often takes pain or a lack of energy to alert us that something is wrong. Sadly, this can be too late. A lack of symptoms doesn’t mean we are well!
We may know the basics, like weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, but many of us lack insight into the genetics, biochemistry, and other factors that determine how well and how long we live.
Science gives us the tools to understand our health from a 360 degree perspective. Goldzone turns data into knowledge so we make informed choices that promote health, vitality, and a long life!
Free Precision Health Consultation
Meet one-on-one with a Goldzone Physician or Vitality Coach and go through a 60-Minute analysis of the seven key dynamics of life; physical health, emotional health, mental health, spiritual health, sexual health, social health, and financial health.
Boost Your Immune System
A strong immune system is essential for optimum health and vitality. A small investment in wellness pays a lifetime of dividends by preventing downtime, avoiding common conditions, and optimizing energy.
Early Detection
Inflammation and metabolic dysfunction increases as we age. These are often the root cause of many age related cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cancer. The sooner you assess your level of risk and make appropriate changes, the longer you will experience optimum health!
Nutrition, diet, stress, relationships, work, and environment are key lifestyle factors that impact more complex, serious diseases. It’s not about replacing your standard medical care, lifestyle changes underpin and are the best investment you can make.
Chronic Condition Management
Chronic conditions are almost always preceded by a period of declining function in one or more of the body’s systems. The majority of these are food, lifestyle, environment, and genetics influenced phenomenon. These problems can’t be solved by drugs and surgery as they often only treat and manage the symptoms and do not address the root causes.